Important Notes and F.A.Q
Important Notes
Q. Can I make edits of the rig?
A. Yes, everyone is allowed to make edits of Ice Cube!
Q. Am I allowed to upload edits of Ice Cube?
A. Please talk to DarthLilo on Discord for information on this.
Q. Why doesn't anti-lag affect the subdivision of the rig?
A. Anti-lag only controls certain features like booleans, lattices, and other small features to improve performance, the only subdivision levels it handles are the emotion line levels.
Q. How do I increase the subdivision level of the rig then, and why can't anti-lag do it?
A. You can increase the subdivison levels of your rig by changing your simplify setting. Anti-lag no longer controls subdivison levels due to a issue with blender where you end up losing performance instead of gaining it.
Q. Are the teeth supposed to be clipping through the rig?
A. Yes, the teeth clip through the rig so you can rotate and move the mouth wherever you want without the risk of the mesh breaking, all clipping parts of the teeth will be removed during render. If you wish to see it in viewport use
Style > Rig Style > Teeth > Boolean
Q. Why is there a question mark in a gray box?
A. It probably means you don't have any asset packs installed in that directory, read more HERE.
Q. I want to parent something following the parenting guide but my rig is already in a pose, what do I do?
A. Try creating a pose library under the armature settings, saving your pose, resetting it, parenting the things, then re-apply your pose.
Q. Can I use your rig for my team / commissions?
A. Yes, my rig can be used for teams and or commissions as long as credit is given.
Q. May I re-use the eyenode on other rigs?
A. While I technically can't forbid you or say you can't, I would prefer it if you wouldn't.
Last updated